Tuesday, May 17, 2005

1st Day of F6 life!! ~Orientation Sux

1st day of f6 life!!! NICE!!!! I woke up pretty early this mornin, 5.30 i think. Wow... the curiosity and the excitement...... it can just kill you man!!! Well, hot to school, the normal stuff, waiting. My heart was pounding in excitement, I was like "this is it, ur 1st f6 life....". I was lookin around for some familar faces but saw strangers instead, new students from various schools around JB. Well, after the registration, the very boring orientation started. The same old stuff like history of the school and stuff. Man! I was almost asleep! Maybe they should publish a book entitled "Memiors of EC" so we can skip these boring lectures. Then after, something I'm sure all of you would sigh at the very mention of it, dicipline. The last thing I need is another 7th floor lecture about something that I've been constantly reminded of for 5 freakin years!!! Always talk about the same crap, hair must be short, this that, cannot do this cannot do that, yada yada yada..... To tell you the truth, I fell asleep during the long 2 hour lecture. My god..... cant they choose something to tell? Is this what orientation is all about? Nagging into someone's ear something they can tell you on top of their feet?
Well, tomorrow's programme line-up holds some promises, but i'm not of much hope. I'm kinda looking foward to the AiGS (activities in groups) they have for us. Better be good!! Well, I gotta run, will update to follow up on the next day of the F6 Orientation. This is your cap'n, signing off.


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