FAILED my MATHS1!!!!!!!! Ahahahahaha and skipped tuition 2day!!
Yo guys!!!! Hahahhaa how r ya'll doing 2day!! nice i reacon....Sighs... today damn tired again....dint sleep a wink again... wonder what's wrong with me.... cant seem to sleepp....late nite studying chemistry also cant go in.... damn wei.....sighs...
Today, got the club photography session... whole day missed class... but its not as if teacher;s teaching anyway... giv out papers oni...oh yea.... as predicted.... I FAILED MY MATHS 1!!!! Here's da paper which i got back.... hav a look.... oni got a damn 6%!!!!

sighs.... once again i'm busy like hell in school.... science club is organizing the Maths and Science Week next week and I'm involved in its programmes and its preparation..... damn tired 2day.... preparing the lab.... and LDDS's FoA.....i havnt told Wei Xun yet that I doe wan the director job.... too damn hectic la... plus somemore Interact...... FUCK WEI!!! DAMN HECTIC SIAL!!!!
Today as u know... i skipped tuition... dats because I'm VERY VERY TIRED!! I cant go 2 tuition in this state la.....wont be able to learn a thing....but nvm ... i'll be studying chemistry later...
tomolo is de acting workshop i'm organizing for the form3s in prep for the IU Day.... hopefully many will turn up!!! Tomolo's gonna be fun wei!! I got lotsa things 4 them to do...ahhahaha hopefully Darren and Julian will show their spirit and dedication tomolo.... i'm really counting on them...
okok la... guess i'll shut up now and edit if i feel theres anythin i missed,.....
this is ur cap'n, sigin off!!
Wow! that's extremely professional o...... how can that be?? But i know that you are quite weak in Maths la......
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