Science Fair today......lost my voice....

Whoa!! Today was the science fair organized by the Science and Maths club...VERY VERY BUSY!!! The day started with the general preparation of the labs, decorating, alocating places, getting the chemicals and stuff...but i really dint expect the chemistry lab would be so stuffy, hectic and messy!!! really did it... i'm really pushing myself to the limit here.... even though I'm only an Auditor in the Science Club, i felt as if i'm doing the work of a high ranking BOD! damn....
setting the workload aside, today, i bear witness to many fantastic science projects, raging from the usual volcanos to complicated projects on Boyle's Law. Every one is equal to another, if not superior than the other. Man.... the competition sure is tough this year! Hahaha, we the science club came up with a last minute "optical illusion" project. Actually this idea was Pn.Yen's, she asked us, the Science Club members to conduct the project...our president, Kelvin, selected me to present the project....LAST MINUTE!! I have to get a 1-min education on optics to be able to explain well.... but..we won second place for the Form 6 category!!( I seem to have an affinity to be second in WHATEVER i'm in or doing...I got second also for last year's science fair, got VICE-President in Interact, got VICE-Secretary in St.John's, and VICE-President in the Lonely Club!!fuck....)...Even though we've won second doesnt mean that I(i'm emphasing on the I) dont have to pay a price for it... I've lost my i can barely speak clearly...fuck wei... its because i've been explaining the SAME stuff OVER and OVER again WITHOUT drinking a single drop of water!!! I've told Kelvin to buy me a drink...but HE DID NOT DO IT!!!! Cibai..... now lost my voice ledy.... my cheek-bone sore somemore.... damn....The worst thing is...most of the organizing commitee left early!! They never stayed until the very end... leaving me, Wai Kuan and Pn.Yen alone to do the clean-ups....kan ni na bu la!! When allocating the jobs... give me such a low grade job and now....I have to do the MOST work.... a bunch of pretenders!!! Sial.... Now i've lost my voice because of them....
Besides losing my voice for the day... theres nothing really to report...oh yeah... did i mention that Jason Kerk's project was the Exploding Volcano? He did the same thing as You Jin did last year but he added a explosive mix of chemicals that explodes when ignited...but the irony is... this project of his failed to get a placing for the Form 5 category but his other last minute project did...he did about biodiesel for his other one...hahahhahaa....the IRONY!!! ahahhaha, anyway, i'll be posting the video up and some photos...
This has been your cap'n, signin off!!
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